Friday, March 20, 2020

John Dos Pasos essays

John Dos Pasos essays There are few authors that have contributed greatly to American literature. One of these authors that have accomplished this task is John Dos Passos. He is considered to be one of the greatest novelists of all time. He shared his wide range of political views in such classic works as the U.S.A. trilogy. John Dos Passos helped the country through the progressive era and other social upheavals into the Industrial Revolution through his works. He is widely considered one of the greatest American authors ever. John Dos Passos was born January 14, 1896 in Chicago, Illinois. He was the illegitimate son of a widow, of Portuguese decent. His father was Portuguese also and worked as a successful lawyer. raised by his father, Dos Passos was brought up in the Catholic tradition. Throughout his childhood, he traveled in Europe and North America receiving a good education. After touring Europe and America, Dos Passos, then attended Harvard University. He graduated Cum Laude in 1916. Soon after college he volunteered as an ambulance driver in World War I. During this time he discovered his ability to write, and eventually this lead to his writing his famous trilogy. U.S.A. The U.S.A. trilogy describes the history of the United States from 1900 to 1930. Dos Passos took interest in Republican politics, which was reflected in his early works. During his illustrious career he was a member in many organizations such as American Arts and Letters, and he founded and he founded the New Masses in 1926. Dos Passos was greatly affected by the trial of Sacco and Vanzetti, in which he was unsuccessful at gaining their pardon. After this affair he worked as a correspondent for Life magazine and for the government in Central America. He then worked as a lawyer until his death in September 28, 1970 of an apparent heart attack. Dos Passos died in Baltimore, Maryland at the age of 74. John Dos Passos is widely...

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